So You Want to be a Therapist by Merle Yost, LMFT

This video is an insider’s view of the good and bad of becoming a psychotherapist in private practice. Both heartwarming and sober, it is not to be missed if you are thinking about, or planning to attend, graduate school in psychology.

Description: This video is an insider’s view of the good and bad of becoming a psychotherapist in private practice., It is not to be missed if you are thinking about, or planning to attend, graduate school in psychology.


Being a psychotherapist can be an incredibly personally rewarding career, from an emotional perspective. 

It is foremost a business. Just like any other business. 

The fantasy

You imagine that grad school will be challenging, but fun. You will have found other similarly- minded peers. The teachers will all be self-realized and able to help you on your path to enlightenment so that you can now help others. 

Licensure is no big deal, and you will easily find a job to support yourself until you can practice on your own.

And as to post grad school and post-licensure:

Sitting up a business is easy

Clients will magically show up at your door, and you will make plenty of money/

Life will be easy with your rewarding, passionate career

So let’s look at each of those, without the dreamy soft focus...